
Fish Tank Set Up Tips For Beginners

A fish tank is not just an aesthetic aquarium accessory, but an integral part of your home. With the right maintenance and set up, a tank can become a living ecosystem where your fish live in harmony with one another and their surroundings. In this post, we’ll outline the basic fish tank set up tips for beginners.

1. Choose a tank

First things first, pick out the right aquarium. This can be tricky, considering that there are so many different types of tanks available on the market. There are tall tanks, short tanks, round tanks and square-shaped ones. They come in all kinds of materials: glass, plastic and acrylic. Some even look like flower pots! It really goes without saying that you’ll want to find something that suits your living room décor (and budget).

2. Maintain Balance Before Adding Fish to a New Aquarium

When you are trying to add a new fish to your aquarium, it’s important to make sure that the tank is cycling before you introduce one or more new aquatic pets. Not only will this prevent the spread of parasites and disease, but your fish will be able to adjust to the new environment without feeling stressed and uncomfortable. In order for your aquarium cycle to begin, you need a combination of algae, bacteria and ammonia. These three elements need to be exposed to one another to start the cycle, and if they aren’t exposed, the cycle can’t begin.

It is important to make sure that your aquarium is cycled before you introduce a new fish or other aquatic creature. This will prevent disease, stress and the spread of parasites. It’s also important to give your fish plenty of hiding places and cover in an effort to make them feel comfortable.

3. Decorate Your Fish Tank

Adding decorated rocks and plants to your fish tank is a great way to make it look both pleasing to the eye and an attractive home for your aquatic friends. Of course, you can decorate the tank in any way that you see fit. You can even paint it! We’ll go over some ideas below on how you can get started with decorating your fish tank.

As a general guide, it’s recommended that you don’t add plants or decorations in the same room that your fish are housed in. This is because it can create a temporary state of stress for your fish, as well as encourage the growth of algae in your tank. This also makes it more likely that you will notice when the tank needs to be cleaned and carries an increased risk of damage to your fish.

Another idea to consider is decorating the sides or back of your tank. This will create an invisible border between your fish and any decorations, thereby encouraging harmony between all three organisms in the tank!

4. Add Aquarium Lighting

Adding aquarium lighting is a great way to make sure that your fish tank looks both colorful and inviting to its occupants. There are a number of different brands and types of aquarium lights to choose from, and all types have their advantages and disadvantages. You can also find special hanging fixtures for your fish tank as well as light strips with built-in aquarium lights.

The main purpose of placing lighting in your fish tank is to replicate the natural light that your fish get in the wild. The less light that your aquarium receives, the fewer natural fish behaviors you will see. This includes feeding, socializing and avoiding predators. A good rule of thumb when considering aquarium lighting is that two watts per gallon is sufficient to encourage normal fish behavior in your tank. Of course, the best method of ensuring that your fish are getting the correct amount of light is to regularly evaluate the light levels in your tank.

5. Filter Your Fish Tank

One of the most important aspects to consider when set up a new fish tank is ensuring that 

your filter is functioning correctly. There are many different types of fish tanks on the market, and not all of them are going to be able to use the same type of filters. If you’re ever unsure which type of filter would be good for your fish tank, contact your local pet store for guidance.

It’s also important to remember that the more surface area on your filter that you have, the greater the amount of nitrates and phosphates will be removed from the water. The more nitrates and phosphates that are removed, the cleaner your tank is going to be!

6. Set Up Your Algae Tablets

Algae tablets are a great way to promote algae growth in your fish tank. Algae is an important part of your tank’s ecosystem, and will play an important role in keeping the tank clean, hatching eggs and feeding your fish. Algae tablets are the most user-friendly way to promote healthy growth in your tank, and can be used alongside other types of aquarium decorations.

Of course, it’s important to remember that algae can be detrimental in some situations. It’s recommended that you don’t place algae tablets in tanks with more than one inch of fish or shrimp waste material at the bottom as this will only prolong the length of time they take to clear up.

7. Clean Your Aquarium Regularly

Cleaning your aquarium is an important part of keeping your tank in good condition. If you don’t clean your aquarium regularly, you’re going to see a decline in the health and the appearance of all of its inhabitants. You can clean your aquarium tank with tap water and a few teaspoons of salt. You can also use a specialized cleaning solution for fish tanks if necessary.


Aquariums are a wonderful way for you to get closer to nature and enjoy the beauty of an underwater world. A fish tank can be a great outlet for creativity, and also provides an excellent opportunity for you to watch your fish that live inside your tank. The tips included in this article will help you make the most of your new aquarium!

Can Goldfish Live In 80 Degree Water? What Are The Best Temps For Goldfish?

If you reside in a hot climate, it may have crossed your mind, if you can keep a goldfish in 80 degrees temperature. Goldfish can survive in different types of temperatures; they just need to get used to the warmth of the water and other changes in the aquarium. Today, we are going to discuss if your goldfish can survive in 80-degree water, and more. You may get relief when you know that it’s possible to keep your goldfish at this temperature.

Can goldfish live in 80 degree water?

Goldfish are popular freshwater pets, and even if you are planning to get one, you have already seen them as pets in your friend’s house. Goldfish are easy to take care of, and they can live in different types of temperatures. You can keep them in any type of aquarium and the fish will adjust to it. These fishes are also known as hardy ones as they can tolerate a wide range of temperatures in the water tank. However, before you become very happy and buy a fish to make them adjust to any temperature, keep in mind that goldfish is quite sensitive and prefer cooler water tank. Although they can survive and stay put in an 80-degree temperature, they will always prefer water temperatures from 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water in the fish tank is too warm, they can have health issues such as, swim bladder disease rotting of fin, and poor growth. If your goldfish is suffering from any kind of health issues, it’s best to take them to a vet for immediate treatment.

Moreover, there are other types of goldfish, but not all of them can tolerate the 80-degree temperature. Some of them, such as the common and the comet goldfish, can survive up to 79 degrees in water temperature. On the other hand, other goldfish like fancy goldfish can take only 77 degrees or cooler water than that. So, if you have a fancy fish in your tank, make sure to keep them at 77 degrees or cooler temperatures.

In addition, goldfish in the wild can live in temperatures from 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. This is for the wild fish only, but in captivity, these fishes can survive at room temperature that ranges from 70 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit even. But to ensure their survival, you need to ask the seller or a professional about the goldfish and its type.


While the 80-degree temperature of the water may not the best suited for goldfish, they can easily tolerate warm water in the aquarium. These fishes can withstand temperatures from 60 to 86 degrees. However, it’s important to keep in mind that, this is the higher level of their temperature tolerance. You have to be aware that warmer temperatures can bring diseases to the fish. The fish too will generate more waste, for that, you have to change the water frequently and clean the tank properly to keep the tank clean. You can install a filtration system which can keep the water clean. Other than this, your fish can get affected by parasites and harmful bacteria. So, you need to monitor the fish for any signs of illness or symptoms.

Overall, keeping your goldfish in warm temperatures can be a challenge. You have to be prepared for the extra work like cleaning the tank and installing filters and more. You may have to install a water cooler to keep the temperature optimum.


To keep your goldfish happy you must keep the temperature from 68 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the best temperature for goldfish. Higher temperatures will encourage the growth of the fish, but if it’s too high, the fish can become stressed in the hot climate of the fish tank and will have oxygen deficiency. Make sure to keep the temperature stable and allow your fish to adapt to it. Goldfish don’t prefer sudden changes in the water temperature unless you are trying to breed them. Otherwise, it’s recommended to keep the water temperature stable for the entire year.

The constant and sudden water temperature change can be harmful to the fish, but it’s not fatal. You can add one tablespoon of sea or aquarium salt in five gallons of water to ensure better health for the goldfish.


If you are trying to breed the goldfish, the temperature requirement will be different than before. You have to change the temperature from the usual, you have to replicate the warmth or coolness based on nature. Goldfish mainly hatch eggs in springtime, this is the time when the water temperature rises after the winter months. So, if you want to encourage the goldfish to lay eggs in the fish tank, you have to lower the water temperature in the aquarium. You have to lower the temperature to around 54 degrees Fahrenheit, this is the ideal warmth. After that, to induce the eggs, you have to gradually escalate the water temperature and keep it to 68 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit.


Your goldfish may not need a heater. They can tolerate a wide range of atmospheres, and they will be happy in the tank without having a heater. If the water is below sixty-eight Fahrenheit, you need a heater and install it in the aquarium. Otherwise, your fish will be happy to grow and stay happy with the temperature.


When it comes to the cooler temperature for goldfish, they can survive water that is near freezing. Which is an amazing thing for these fishes. However, you have to keep the temperature over 65 degrees Fahrenheit, when you are not attempting breeding. This temperature will help them become strong and they can grow.

Another important thing is that the fish tank temperature must not change suddenly. If there’s a sudden change in the temperature, it can shock the goldfish and this will invite health issues like swim bladder disease in the pet.


To measure the water temperature of your fish tank, you need to buy an aquarium thermometer. Once you purchase it, you have to follow the instruction on the package.

You will find three types of aquarium thermometers-

* Digital thermometers

* The thermometer that sticks outside the fish tank

* The one that sticks to the inside of the fish tank


Goldfish are easy to maintain, and they do not need extra care. However, if you are confused about the temperature of the water tank, you must keep it between 65 to 80 degrees based on the type of goldfish you have.

Pros and Cons Of A Bare Bottom Fish Tank and How They Work

A bare-bottom fish tank, also known as a “bare tank,” is a type of aquarium setup where the tank floor is left without any substrate or decorations. This setup has pros and cons, and it’s essential to understand how it works before deciding if it’s the right choice for your fish.


Easy to clean:

Without any substrate or decorations, it’s much easier to clean the bottom of the tank. This means less time spent scrubbing and more time enjoying your fish. When the substrate gets too dirty, it can be easily cleaned off with a sponge or garden hose.


A bare bottom tank offers more oxygen to the water, which helps keep the water cleaner for longer. This also means less need for live or fake plants, as the plants eat up oxygen in your tank.

Better water quality:

Without a substrate, there’s less chance for debris and waste to build up, which can lead to better water quality. This is especially important for tanks with sensitive fish or invertebrates. This means more oxygen and reduced stress, both of which are good for the health of your fish.

Many aquarists choose to leave their tanks bare-bottomed as it offers benefits that other setups do not, but there are also many disadvantages.

Most fish tanks will have a substrate (usually sand or gravel), decorations (plants or rocks), and water level markings. A bare bottom tank does not have these, so it’s only suitable for some types of fish or species. These tanks should be used only with fish that can adapt to the loss of such amenities.

Better visibility:

With no decorations or substrate, it’s much easier to see your fish and keep an eye on their health. Here’s an example:

You can see when the gravel gets dirty with a bare bottom tank, and it’s easier to clean than a substrate-riddled tank. However, the lack of decorations and objects can make it harder to set up your tank correctly (more on this in the “Setup” section), and any sudden changes in water chemistry can be difficult to clean up. This is especially important if you’re using submersible lighting.


Setting up a bare-bottom tank is often less expensive than buying substrate and decorations. This is because you already have the tank and its frame, which is much cheaper than buying a new tank, even if it’s slightly larger than the old one. It is also more affordable to purchase bare bottom tanks from online stores (such as Aquahobby). These bare-bottom tanks are usually sold for about half of what full-tank setup costs.

Better fish compatibility:

Most fish do particularly well in bare bottom tanks, especially when they’re young and small. This is because fish such as catfish or loaches can burrow into the substrate if they need to retreat to hide or if their habitat gets too dirty.


Limited options for fish:

Some fish, such as cichlids and other bottom dwellers, need a substrate to feel secure and comfortable. These fish will not do well in a bare bottom tank. This is because these fish need places to hide if they feel threatened or if the tank gets too dirty.

No hiding spaces:

Bare bottom tanks don’t offer any hiding places for fish. This means their home has less security, and it’s less fun for them to live in. It also means fewer plant options, which will be covered in the next section.

No natural look:

With a substrate or decorations, a bare bottom tank can look plain and interesting. Bare-bottom fish tanks have been described as “sparkling floor aquariums.” This is because no decorations make the tank more natural or attractive. The lack of a substrate or decorations can make it harder to make your tank look natural, but there are still things you can do. You can use rocks or plants at the bottom of the tank to help give a sense of depth, and there are many decorations you can use to add a natural look.

Not all fish will work without a substrate or decorations. You should add decorations if you want your fish to feel more at home so that they will stay healthy and happy. That said, if your fish has specific needs that aren’t being met in the tank, it’s best not to keep them in the tank, no matter how well it’s decorated.

No hiding spots:

Fish need places to hide and feel secure, and a bare bottom tank offers no hiding spots. Here’s an example of what this can look like:

No beneficial bacteria: Substrates can provide a home for beneficial bacteria that help to keep the tank’s water clean and healthy. Without a substrate, these bacteria will not be present in a bare bottom tank.

How it works:

A bare bottom tank is set up much like any other tank but without a substrate. The tank should be filled with water, and a filtration system should be installed. It’s essential to use a high-quality filter that can handle the size of the tank and the number of fish in it.

It’s also essential to properly cycle the tank before adding any fish. Cycling a tank means allowing beneficial bacteria to grow and establish themselves. Without these bacteria, the tank’s water will not be able to support fish.

Once the tank is set up and cycled, it’s time to add fish. As mentioned earlier, it’s important to choose fish that are compatible with a bare-bottom tank. Fish that need a substrate, such as cichlids, should not be kept in a bare bottom tank. Bare bottom tanks are best used only with fish such as catfish or other bottom-dwelling fish.

When cleaning a bare bottom tank, it’s essential to make sure any waste doesn’t fall into the gravel or decorations, as this can seep into the water and harm your fish. Filters should be cleaned regularly, and the tank should be cleaned periodically. Fish food should also be removed from the tank, so it does not rot in your aquarium.

Properly cycling a new tank ensures that your fish won’t develop disease or die because of poor water quality.

It’s also important to remember that a bare bottom tank will require more frequent water changes than a tank with a substrate. This is because, without a substrate, there’s less chance for debris and waste to build up, which can lead to better water quality.

In conclusion, a bare bottom fish tank has its pros and cons. It’s easy to clean, provides better water quality, and offers better visibility. However, it also has limited options for fish, no natural look, no hiding spots, and no beneficial bacteria. With proper maintenance, a bare bottom tank can be an excellent option for fish-keeping enthusiasts. Before setting up a bare bottom tank, weighing the pros and cons and choosing fish compatible with this type of setup is essential.

How To Clean A Dirty Fish Tank

Fish tanks are considered a part of the branch of aquaculture. Aquaculture is the farming or cultivation of aquatic animals and plants. They usually hold water, fish, plants, and other organisms in captivity for either food production or public display. Fish tanks are often popular with people who have an interest in keeping marine life as pets. The creation and use of fish tanks have been around for thousands of years. In some cultures, fish tanks were thought to have magical powers because they trapped mischievous spirits in the water.

A dirty fish tank is a common problem for many pet owners. Not only do people often leave fish food in the tank, but they also tend to leave leftover food or fish waste on the surface of the water. The filth that builds up on your tank walls will eventually cause bacterial growth and if not cleaned out regularly, will eventually lead to trouble. Bacterial growth in a small aquarium can lead to green algae which in turn can seriously reduce the effectiveness of your aquarium filter.

How to clean a dirty fish tank

Below are ways how to clean a dirty fish tank.

1. Purchase aquarium cleaning tools

There are many fish tank cleaning tools you can purchase in stores and online, but if you intend to save some money, you don’t need to buy all of them. One of the most essential cleaning tools is the net. Nets are great for removing large amounts of debris that have settled on the bottom of the tank. Other common tools used by aquarists may include a hose pump, scraper, siphon hose or tube, heater sponge, heater guard, and gravel vacuum cleaner. The best fish tank cleaner tool is the one that you find suitable for your fish tanks. There are many brands and models of fish tank cleaners available in the market, ranging from household cordless vacuums to huge industrial-grade aquarium cleaning machines.

2. Fill up your aquarium with water

Before beginning cleaning activities, measure the amount of water in your fish tank and fill it up with clean water. If you use a tank brush on the bottom portion of your aquarium then add clean water to cover the net and remove any big debris that may be stuck on it. Remove as much waste on the bottom plate as possible before adding more water to cover any remaining waste. The tank brush can be used for rinsing and cleaning as long as you allow it to dry out before placing it back inside the tank.

3. Take out the aquarium filter

If your fish tank has a built-in desktop filter, take it out and rinse off any visible dirt or debris. Do the same with the other parts making up your filter. The reason why it is best to remove your fish tank from its regular location and place it somewhere safer away from other items is because of potential damage to the floor and walls caused by flooding when you turn on your heater again. If your desktop tank does not have an integrated filtration system then you will need to purchase an external pump and filter. An external aquarium pump should be placed at least ten inches away from your fish tank as well.

4. Replace the filter sponge

If your fish tank has an internal filter that is made up of a sponge, rinse it off with vinegar. If you have a removable filter, then choose which pieces need to be replaced. It is essential to replace the filter sponge or filter mesh after cleaning and disinfecting your fish tank.

5. Clean the glass and tank walls

Fill up a bucket with warm water and add one part of bleach and four parts of water. Do not mix it up since you want to make sure that you really get all the bacteria off your aquarium glass as well as spray down all surfaces inside your tank. The sponge from your spray bottle should be used to clean off any stains or detritus that stick to your tank walls. Always remember that it is very important to use a bucket when cleaning your fish tank with bleach since the bleach can harm your fish if it gets in contact with them.

6. Clean the gravel in the tank

Use a gravel vacuum cleaner to clean out any foreign particles stuck in the gravel at the bottom of your fish tank. Bucket and water are used here again, only this time you need to add some dechlorinate aquarium water while rinsing off all debris out of your gravel box. Gravel or sand should be replaced every year, or sooner if needed.

7. Clean the filter and external tank skimmer

When done with cleaning out the gravel, it is time to remove and clean out your internal filtration system. A manual external aquarium skimmer should be removed from the tank and cleaned with a siphon hose or bucket. Use a siphon hose that has been thoroughly disinfected before placing it back into your fish tank.

8. Clean the heater unit

There are several ways you can clean out your fish tank heater if needed. A desk vacuum, cheap nylon brush, or wet/dry vacuum may be used, but remember to always disinfect them after they have been cleaned. Preventative maintenance will help avoid cleaning them out and replacing them as early as possible.

9. Thoroughly rinse your tank

Fish tanks are not just limited to freshwater or marine species alone. You can also add an aquarium plant or two if you want to give your fish tank a more natural feel. In most cases, the use of live aquarium plants will need a lot of maintenance on your part such as trimming leaves here and there. They are also prone to be attacked by algae in some instances so remember to remove excess growth every now and then.

10. Turn your heater back on

After cleaning and rinsing your fish tank, turn the heater back on. This will help you restore the temperature in your aquarium to normal. You do not have to leave your fish tank heater on overnight at all since it is very energy-efficient anyway.


A fish tank regularly requires cleaning. You need to change the water at least every day or so, plus clean the gravel ornaments and the detritus that accumulates on the bottom of your tank. All aquarium filters need to be cleaned at least once a week and some weekly maintenance should include removing dead leaves, algae, detritus, and plants from your aquarium. Keep in mind that regular maintenance will help you have a healthy aquarium environment and experience fish in abundance.

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